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The other day I was passing by Clapham Juntion to go to Teddington. I went to this kiosk to buy a sandwich and one latte. I said to the staff I had 2 catch a train and he charged before gmail my coffee. He ask me to charge using my contactless payment (what I never allowed) but I accepted it. What happened was, he did not make my coffee on time and charged me twice. He didn't show me how much he was charging. As I due to check my online bank every morning I saw that amount. I went to speak with the manager about what had happened. The manager wrote down my mobile number and said he will contact me the next day to refund my money. Not yet.... Maybe one day in heaven! I'm written here is maybe they charging so many people who's passing by to go to work and as they are waiting to the train and many even check they bank account. Can imagine how much money they taken of people everyday one latte £2.65 The National Rail should check them.

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